GOV Inc. is a global problem and WE ARE THE SOLUTION! Help People wake up to the Economy-of-Fraud and Police State of America! We can end the corporate-free-for-all, wars-for-profit, tyranny & oppression when we unite. Remember, WE ARE MANY, THEY ARE FEW! WE OUTNUMBER THEM... MILLIONS-TO-ONE! PEACE
"While on a peaceful march near Union Square in downtown Manhattan, multiple female protesters were penned up in the street by orange mesh barricade, then maliciously maced.
The women were peaceful and unarmed. They were secured by barricade with an overwhelming police presence. And they were then sprayed directly in the face with pressurized mace...
WeAreTheOther99 continues to peacefully occupy Lower Manhattan to begin a dialogue with the Top 1% with the goal of a peaceful transition of power back to the People.
This can no longer be stopped. But be advised, this will not be televised..."
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.
"Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of currently serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, Peace Officers, and Fire Fighters who will fulfill the Oath we swore, with the support of like minded citizens who take an Oath to stand with us, to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God. Our Oath is to the Constitution. Our motto is "Not on our watch!""
Please share this with the World because the oligarch's media will not.
Peaceful protesters should not be pushed, pulled, penned, maced or arrested. You can file a complaint with Mayor Bloomberg, call this number (212) 788-1400. The number for NYPD is (212) 334-0611. 10 Days and counting, as long as it takes... here, there and Freedom Plaza in Washington DC - OCTOBER 2011!
Update: Occupation currently at Zuccotti Park now re-named Liberty Plaza (corner of Liberty & Broadway). Stay informed NYC General Assembly, Actions, News and Minutes:
We need to retake the freedom that has been taken from the People by the banksters, warmongers, liars, killers and thieves. There are real solutions for the many problems we face today but they won't come from those who have created them. The kleptocrats own the system, they own the federal government, they own the media and they have taken our freedom. We must demand our solution to the corrupt voting system that allows the oligarchs retain power (paper ballots w/verifiable receipt).The kleptocracy MUST end!
WE MUST UNITE and here are a few suggested DEMANDS:
>Demand they END ALL WARS! STOP DRONE ATTACKS Everywhere, NOW!!! The killing must STOP!
>Demand they ENFORCE RULE OF LAW, meaning, The federal government should enforce its own laws (JAIL the banksters!) Ask Bernanke, WHERE'S THE MISSING NINE-TRILLION DOLLARS that is MISSING from the PRIVATE Federal Reserve?! > Demand they END Corporate Lobbying because Corporations are NOT People.
The-powers-that-be fear our unity so UNITE! 'We the People' EVERYWHERE have had ENOUGH of corporate greed and the Global Capitalist agenda! UNITE and together we can stop the oppression, the killing and imperialistic wars. WE CAN and MUST BE the GOVERNMENT OF the PEOPLE, BY the PEOPLE and FOR the PEOPLE! Only WE can stop the oligarchs. Power to the People and Down with the NWO!
There is a main-stream-media blackout so PLEASE share the info on OCCUPY WALL STREET in every manner possible, even if you can't attend, and GROW PEOPLE POWER!
'The law redefines natural resources as blessings and confers the same rights to nature as to human beings, including: the right to life and to exist; the right to continue vital cycles and processes free from human alteration; the right to pure water and clean air; the right to balance; the right not to be polluted; and the right to not have cellular structure modified or genetically altered. Perhaps the most controversial point is the right "to not be affected by mega-infrastructure and development projects that affect the balance of ecosystems and the local inhabitant communities".'
'Bolivia Set to Pass Historic 'Law of Mother Earth' Which Will Grant Nature Equal Rights to Humans';
‘We the People’ do not want loss of freedom that comes with the Patriot Act or the 2012 NDAA that will give the president unchecked authority to declare permanent war. THIS is what we need!
“If someone told you there was a way you could save 2.5 million to 3 million lives a year and simultaneously halt global warming, reduce air and water pollution and develop secure, reliable energy sources – nearly all with existing technology and at costs comparable with what we spend on energy today – why wouldn't you do it?” 'The world can be powered by alternative energy, using today's technology, in 20-40 years, says Stanford researcher Mark Z. Jacobson';
There is no war on terror, there is a war on People and Freedom EVERYWHERE!
Endless wars, drone attacks and covert operations cost more than 51% of OUR tax-dollars... innocent people die EVERYDAY!There are solutions but they will NOT come with the puppets that have helped the banksters, warmongers, big-pHARM, Big-Oil and the chemical cartel! WE are the solution!
“We stand now where two roads diverge. But unlike the roads in Robert Frost's familiar poem, they are not equally fair. The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. The other fork of the road -- the one less traveled by -- offers our last, our only chance to reach a destination that assures the preservation of the earth.”- Rachel Carson
"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it." -Abraham Lincoln
"If you go to one demonstration and then go home, that's something, but the people in power can live with that. What they can't live with is sustained pressure that keeps building, organizations that keep doing things, people that keep learning lessons from the last time and doing it better the next time."- Noam Chomsky
Update DAY 4, 9/20/11 POLICE ARREST MEDIA TEAM and 2 OTHERS - They want to black-out more than MSM
Brave Patriots have come from all across this country to make a stand for Justice and Liberty for ALL Americans. They stand for the eight-million people that live in New York City (where are they?) and the NYC cops that lost their pensions because of the Wall Street thugs (whose side are they on?). I know it's hard, if not impossible for every supporter to join this occupation, but it sure would make a difference if just one-percent of the eight-million New Yorkers would take a stand for Justice and Freedom!SUPPORT LIBERTY PLAZA!
Growing People Power, Coast to Coast OCCUPY TOGETHER, a central hub for all of the events springing up across the country in solidarity with theOccupy Wall St.protesters.
Thousands of protesters peacefully marched to Union Square today. The park and surrounding streets were filled with beautiful people but unfortunately there was also tear-gas and about 100 arrests by NYPD (Wall Street thugs cost the cops their pension, not this guy). Free speech and Liberty not free so please do what you can to show your support in person or otherwise (call Bloomberg about the unnecessary roughness and our First Amendment; there is a constant need for food, media and medical supplies). Police surround Liberty Plaza tonight but the mood remains positive. The park was originally called "Liberty Plaza Park" and it's renaming of Zuccotti, after John Zuccotti, chairman of a corporation, is symbolic of the People's Liberty that was sold out by the lawmakers... but this week, 'We the People' took back a bit of Liberty... there is no 'Zuccotti Park'... there is only LIBERTY!
Naomi Wolf on Real and Fake Mass Protests (2009). She makes a good point here; we have to literally stop traffic to be heard.
Union Square march,Day 8
Naomi Wolf ,"The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot"
Many people accept the lesser evil but there is no 'lesser-evil'. We have lost more Liberty under Obama and stepped up the attacks on foreign lands (bombing of Libya of course but there were more drone attacks on Pakistan last year than all Bush years). Dems like Obama are really worse as they're a more effective evil... the wolf in sheep's clothing.
TPTB divide and conquer the People; they use race, religion and political party. They do purely evil things like kill [an innocent] Troy Davis one day and spare an admitted murderer the next. People need to remember they use provocateurs (pay attention to shoes) and they will try to divide us... to incite violence... TPTB will attempt to push us harder as we become stronger but we must remain peaceful and stick together. We outnumber the oligarchs so we can win if we're united but we will lose if we turn on one another. -- Stay Peaceful, Stay Strong!
"There are so many people out there who will tell you that you can't. What you've got to do is turn around and say, WATCH ME".-- unknown
This oil slick video should be saturating the news, but it is not even mentioned. This continuing cover-up of the oiled Gulf is just another deadly lie by the warmongering puppet government and the corporate owned media. They are also lying about what is happening in Libya and we need to expose all the lies. We MUST do more than boycott BP! STOP SHOP all the way! Barter, trade, e-bay, yard sales, close bankster-bank accounts... STOP being the consumer for the killers that are CONSUMING LIFE. Just stop giving the enemy your power; stop giving them your fiat dollars but PLEASE stock up on emergency supplies! There is a lot YOU can do so GET UP! STAND UP! GET INVOLVED!!!
I know people are struggling financially but I don't understand why there is so much apathy in America. It seems like most people don't get involved until they are directly affected but WE ARE ALL AFFECTED by the globalist's agenda! People need to turn off the TV, open their eyes, wake up, stand up, rinse and repeat! Killing must STOP! There are many groups with plans to go to DC, and that's great, but we need UNIFIED ACTION and more than signs when we get there. The People's Congress is the best plan I've come across because it is more than just another rally... they are establishing a Congress of People because as they say WE are the solution and THIS IS NOT A DRILL! Life is about choices, so I hope you will choose to BE THE SOLUTION!
PLEASE share this information with everyone because Warmongering-GOV Inc and the corporate media LIE and People need to be warned. Oil is bad, Corexit and Silicon Tetrafluroide are poison but the globalist agenda is the deadliest of all!