Saturday, November 5, 2011

Gov. Scott Walker gets checked, Mic Checked!

"For the People in the cheaper seats, clap your hands,
... and the rest of you, if you just rattle your jewelry!" ~
John Lennon

'Rattle Your Jewelry'->

We the 99%, Rattle their jewelry!

The problems with corruption span the globe and the agents-of-cause come from places far beyond Wall Street. The problems are vast; wars, pollution, hunger, homelessness and poverty are serious and on the increase problems because the corrupt government officials work for the corrupt... not for any People... or animal or vegetable. They do love minerals.

Let's rattle both sides of Uniparty for Wall Street, the Wealthy and War-profiteers!  Election time means lots-o-fundraisers and it sure beats buying a lobbyist because at least this way, the lawmakers HEAR THE PEOPLE!  Mic Check the corrupt lawmakers throughout the land!!!!

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